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Monthly meeting: New Years fuddle and quiz

Verity Longley

Manchester WI kicked off 2018's year of meetings with a relaxed gathering. Announcements for the coming year were plentiful, check out our facebook and events page for details (highlights are our beer launch with Runaway brewery(!!), a silver jewellery workshop and a trip to Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival). There was also a fuddle/pot luck (not a friendly cuddle, but members were encouraged to bring and share food to help catch up with friends and welcome new members). The evening's activity was a pub quiz, complete with prizes to get everyone chatting and in the competitive spirit.

If you're interested in becoming a member of Manchester WI, joining details and online payment can be found here!

We're also looking for help on the committee for the coming year, and help keeping the blog updated! If you're interested, just drop us an email.

Our next meeting is on February 27th, details can be found on the facebook event. Hope to see you there!


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© 2021 Manchester WI

Registered Charity number: 1173291 The Manchester Women's Institute 

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